List of 1.7.10 Mod Forks
Some of these mods don't have binaries available and have to be compiled manually. See Troubleshooting 1.7.10 Build Scripts for help with that.
Profilic forkers
(TODO: Add all of the forks that have functional changes (i.e. not just an updated buildscript) to the list below.)
- Has an official mod table documenting the extent of support given here.
- quentin452
- The changes made are documented in the wikis of the forks.
- Do not expect support outside their pack.
- Ancient Warfare 2
- Antique Atlas
- AppleCore
- Applied Energistics 2
- Aroma1997core
- Ars Magica 2
- Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2
- A visual comparison of its forks can be found here.
- Baubles
- Botania
- BugTorch
- CodeChickenCore
- CodeChickenLib
- CraftPresence
- CustomMOTD
- Cutting Edge
- jss2a98aj fork
- needs jss's Baubles fork
- jss2a98aj fork
- Dragon Mounts
- Dynamic Surroundings
- Electrical Age
- Ender IO
- EnviroMine
- Et Futurum
- Ex Nihilo
- ExtraBiomesXL
- Gilded Games Util
- GregGen
- Invasion Mod
- Flan's Mod
- Forbidden Magic
- Mob Hives Mod
- JustAnotherSpawner
- KoRIN Regions
- littleMaidMob
- littleMaidMobX
- nidefawl fork
- littleMaidMobEnhanced
- Fixes incompatibility with Mixin. [*]
- littleMaidMobEnhanced
- littleMaidMobAX
- Not recommended for use, but the repo's wiki has some documentation.
- nidefawl fork
- littleMaidMobX
- LunatriusCore
- MAtmos
- Mekanism
- Mo' Creatures
- Natura
- NotEnoughItems
- PlayerAPI
- QwerTech
- Schematica
- GTNH fork
- Has coordinate saving and a few other QoL changes that are not GTNH-specific. Requires GTNH's LunatriusCore fork.
- GTNH fork
- Ships Mod
- Smart Moving
- SignPosts
- Spice Of Life
- Steve's Addons
- Steve's Factory Manager
- Tabby Chat
- Thaumic Exploration
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- Twilight Forest
- Waila
- WTFCaveBiomes
Forks where the original version was not for 1.7.10.
- Dimensional Doors [1.6.4]
- Eyes in the Darkness [1.12.2+]
- GregTech 4 [1.6.2]
- Lag Goggles [1.10.2+]
- Metaworlds [1.7.2]
- Nutrition [1.10.2+]
- Serene Seasons [1.12.2+]
- Sound Physics [1.10+]
- djpadbit fork
- Backport. A build of the last 1.7.10 commit is available here.
- djpadbit fork
- Super Sound Muffler [1.10.2+]
- TextureDump [1.10.2+]